And here you are coming out of your mother's third base! Although George Michael had only got to second base, he'd gone in head first, like Pete Rose. It just seems like there's still light coming in from under the door. This is the best free scrapbooking class I've ever taken!

Coo coo ca chaw. Coo coo ca chaw. Coo coo ca chaw. Sorry, some of my students are arguing the significance of the shankbone on the seder plate. But we do not - NOT wag our genitals at one another to make a point.

I'm sure, wherever your father is, she loves you very much. Although George Michael had only got to second base, he'd gone in head first, like Pete Rose. Go ahead, touch the Cornballer. How could I say no to the woman who gave me chlamydia? A million [bleep]ing diamonds! Yeah, like I'm going to spill coffee all over this $3,000 suit? Come on!

Uncle Gob, was Aunt Lindsay ever pregnant? Yeah, sure, dozens of times. I need a tea to give my dingle less tingle. I'm not interested in you that way. Tobias: What way? Michael: Pick one. Suddenly he's too much of a big-shot to brush mother's hair. One of the guys told me to take my head out of my BOTTOM and get back to work…my BOTTOM! Chickens don't clap!

I'm afraid I'm with Michael on this one. The guy runs a prison, he can have any piece of ass he wants. Oh please. They didn't sneak into this country to be your friends. What's gotten into you? Have you been eating cheese? Hahahahah! I've got a nice hard cot with his name on it. You'd do that to your own brother? I said "cot."

[Stabbing Gob] White power! Gob: I'm white! I'm gonna go get sexy.

I'm foolish and I'm funny and I'm needy. Am I needy? Are you sure I'm not needy? 'Cause I feel needy sometimes. ¡Soy loco por los Cornballs! I don't criticize you! And if you're worried about criticism, sometimes a diet is the best defense. I am going to my spin class. I thought you had vertigo. Say something that will terrify me. Lindsay: F*** me. Tobias: No, that didn't do it. Well, yeah you've gotta lock that down. Absolutely. And we're going to be here every day. I don't care if it takes from now till the end of Shrimpfest. It's as Ann as the nose on Plain's face.

Look what the homosexuals have done to me! You can't just comb that out and reset it? Talk you off what, Pop Pop? Mr. Zuckerkorn, you've been warned about touching. Barry: You said spanking. I made a huge tiny mistake. Yeah, well, have you seen the new Mustang? You could hump that hood.

What do you think about Sudden Valley? It sounds like a salad dressing, but for some reason I don't want to eat it. In fact, it was a box of Oscar's legally obtained medical marijuana. Primo bud. Real sticky weed. No, Pop-pop does not get a treat. I just bought you a f**king pizza. I've made a huge tiny mistake. But I did finally get into Dad's pants. Although I had to have the crotch taken in a little bit.

Let the great experiment begin! Steve Holt? The moron jock?